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Al Hart

     Al Hart and Bill Grommes became good friends while working at Radio Parts Company in Chicago during the depression. 

     When the opportunity to start a business was presented to Bill, he asked if Al would join the team. Al did and in March of 1946, Precision Electronics, Inc. was born.

     As chief engineer, Al Hart lead the company from creating test equipment such as signal tracers in the late 1940's to high-fidelity tube amplifiers in the 1950's and 1960's. 

     It is no surprise that Al's heart was in designing high-fidelity consumer audio.  And his love for audio went beyond his work at Grommes~Precision. He was a complete audiophile and recording enthusiast. One of the benefits of working in the audio industry was that many Grommes~Precision vendors heaped record on top of record at Bill and Al. As a result, Al's record collection was quite extensive! He designed and hand-built his own extensive high-fidelity recording studio and listening room in his house. Oftentimes on weekends he would produce and record some of his favorite swing and jazz bands in his basement! 

Al Hart circa late 1980's. 

     He often stated that his lifelong engineering goal was to create the perfect audio system: one that replicated the sound of a live band so completely "you would think the band was in the room with you." 

     Indeed, his 260A design is heralded for its superb high-fidelity sound reproduction to this day. Loved for its honest and warm replication of music, and well-respected for Al Hart's high-fidelity design, the 260A was hailed as "one of the finest power amplifiers made, by virtue of its rugged, conservative construction, and remarkably low distortion." It comes to no surprise then that both Bill and Al used a pair of 260As in their respective homes. [Check out the 260A Limited Reissue available now!]

     By the 1970's Grommes~Precision entered the commercial audio market where its division, Precision Electronics remains today. Al incorporated his same love of audio and solid craftsmanship to commercial amplification. Al Hart semi-retired in late 1992. On October 16, 2000, Al Hart passed away.

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